Scott Rigby among 50 other luminaries Examine Today’s Gamification Reality
“Why has gamification exploded in its popularity over the past two to three years, and what specifically is gamification seeking to achieve?”
Immersyve’s president Scott Rigby addresses these questions and further explores how to apply principles of motivation and engagement to gamification in the newly released book The Gameful World: Approaches, Issues, Applications (MIT Press, 2015).
“With video games’ ability to hold attention for hours on end, they certainly appear like wonderful role models for solving the deep engagement needs of a consumer-empowered world, but the key question for those pursue gamification is: ‘How will they apply principles of motivation and behavioral science to achieve deep engagement.'” Rigby contends that in order to unpack gamification’s lexicon, you have to understand the psychological underpinnings of motivation, engagement, and fun. This chapter reviews scientific frameworks like Self-Determination Theory so you can better understand how gamification motivates users.
Rigby is among 50 plus other luminaries from academia and industry who authored chapters in the book exploring the key challenges of gamification and it’s current buzz in today’s society. Now available for purchase on Amzaon.
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